ACT-NET was funded from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project Number:

Activities planned and carried out in ACT-NET

When evaluating informal (life-long) learning not only cognitive but also affective and activity related components must be considered. Moreover, the individual learning outcomes have to be related to the learners themselves and their life situations (contexts).

The evaluation approach, developed in the previous project, was designed to assess and evidence learning along these requirements.

In ACT-NET it was further developed and applied to validate specific informal learning offers, extended with a planning component and valorised in a large scale network.

For this purpose ACT-NET validated a series of micro projects for disadvantaged learners and European projects against valid quality criteria.

The integration of planning elements aimed to increase usability and attractiveness.

With the help of a comprehensive dissemination and exploitation strategy ACT-NET valorised the outputs on a European wide level.

Hence there were four areas of activities in ACT-NET:

  • Area 1: Validating exemplary projects in specified informal learning contexts
  • Area 2: Transfer and further development of an evaluation software-prototype
  • Area 3: Coupling the evaluation approach with planning methodology
  • Area 4: Substantial valorisation of the ACT/LEVEL5-approach