ACT-NET was funded from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project Number:

ACT-NET: Project Outcomes

In this section we will present you the major outcomes of ACT-NET.

They were produced in the 10 project work packages in the project lifetime.

They can be assigned to the four big work areas presented in section "activities":

Area 1: Validating exemplary projects in specified informal learning contexts

  • Quality Report
  • Manual
  • Scientific Report
  • Accreditation (incl. certification)

Area 2: Transfer and further development of an evaluation software-prototype

  • Software Development Report
  • Webbased and stand-alone LEVEL5 software

Area 3: Coupling the evaluation approach with planning methodology

  • Informal learning patterns Intro and offline-tables

Area 4: Substantial valorisation of the ACT/LEVEL5-approach

  • Valorisation (Strategy,Report, Memorandum)
  • Dissemination (Brochures, Flyers, Conferences)