ACT-NET was funded from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project Number:

Quality Criteria

The ACT-project created a first Impact Assessment System in order to assess and validate competence development of people in informal learning settings of all kinds.

Along its creation process the system was applied and tested on a number of ‘micro-projects’ in the different project partner countries. The follow-up project ACT-NET has been refining and further developed the approach, tools and procedures.

A first step in this process is the creation of quality criteria that should be applied when using the evaluation approach.

The following catalogue is based on central issues and questions (“FAQs”) that necessarily come up during the evaluation process:

  • Objectivity/inter-subjectivity, representation: How can we assure the objectivity of the results when applying the approach?
  • Validity: How can we assure the validity of the results when applying the
  • Reliability: How can we assure the reliability of the measurements?
  • Efficiency: What is the cost benefit balance of the assessment?
  • Effectiveness in view of the goals of the evaluation: Will the assessment  lead toimprovement?
  • Efficiency and Effectiveness as a learning process: How can we assure
    efficiency and effectiveness?
  • Transparency: How can we assure transparency?
  • Consistency of the categories: How can we create consistent categories?