ACT-NET was funded from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project Number:

Objectivity/inter-subjectivity, representation

How can we assure the objectivity of the results when applying the approach?

Competence development assessment can hardly be a process that delivers objective proof of what has been acquired. The methodology available usually is not sufficient to deal with the complexity of the situation, created by the uncountable number of variables and in regard to the external factors influencing the objectives of the assessment. The relatively small number of respondents or cases often makes it impossible to provide full proof evidence.

The assessment is done to gain as much understanding as possible of the impact of informal learning and the level of the acquired (citizenship) competences. It should be achieved that the obtained proof is plausible, to a certain extent transferable and follows scientific criteria.

This implies that one has to be very much aware of which data one may collect in an objective way and how these data can be processed in a reliable way.

When objectivity is at stake, there is always the solution of inter-subjectivity. One could conduct the measurement as well as the evaluation and the evidencing of the results in the cube by two or more different persons and compare the results. A high similarity would be an indicator for a high objectivity. There is not one single way of doing this. It will however be clear that it has to be a deliberate and conscious decision, taking into account for whom the evaluation is meant, and what the goal of the evaluation is.