ACT-NET was funded from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project Number:


The LEVEL5 evaluation approach is organised in a standardised procedure consisting of five stages:

1. Micro Project Description

  • Describing the basic properties of the informal learning project in a preformatted patter

2. Selecting topics

  • Selecting relevant learning topics from an open inventory

3. Establishing an individualised reference system

  • Developing an individual reference system on the basis of a 3-dimensional (cognitive, affective, activity related) rating system with five individualised stages

4. Assessment

  • An evaluation toolbox is offered as help tool for stakeholders from the field.

5. Rating/Documenting/Visualisation

  • Inserting the ratings in the individualised reference system and displayed in a 3-dimensional evidencing system.
  • The ratings are substantiated and documented in the software
  • Results may be recorded internally and/or connected with learners’ certificates