ACT-NET was funded from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project Number:

Evaluation of Micro-Projects and LEVEL5 Approch

Following action research principles, a certain part of the evaluation was carried out by practice partners and intermediates.

They received support and instruction regarding the utilisation of the evaluation approach by descriptions and links on a web-based ACT-NET-portal and by acting recommendations distributed in form of so called manuals. After consultation the deciĀ­sions about the applied specific procedures were finally taken by the practice partners themselves in equivalence to their own project aims and their possibilities and resources. 

The learning projects and the learners were evaluated and the results in terms of competence developments were recorded and displayed in the LEVEL5 software.

These partner evaluations were not subject to this evaluation

In the final project phase the partners and informal evaluators were asked to comment on the main procedural elements and the instruments applied in the ACT approach.

For this purpose a quantitative questionnaire was combined with qualitative evaluatorsā€™ reports that were guided by open questions.

Both instruments tackled the following topics:

  • Usability and feasibility,
  •  Effort and acceptance,
  •  Pre-knowledge and skills of staff and
  •  Transferability

of procedures and instruments.