ACT-NET was funded from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project Number:


Contact persons

Jean-Marie Dubile
Yves Mesplé

Jean-Marie Dubile (

Yves Mesplé (

INSUP is a non-profit training institution consisting of 15 branches, with a 100-full time staff, involved in the social and professional integration of young people and adults in the framework of European and national public training schemes.

INSUP provides over 850,000 hours of training a year to about 5,500 course participants, 65% of them aged 18-25 coming from urban and rural areas of Aquitaine. About 60 % of the trainees at INSUP come from minorities more exposed to social and economic exclusion, higher unemployment and lower qualifications. INSUP is especially sensitive to the needs of disadvantaged target groups in terms of skills enlargement, professional qualification, on-the-job support. Since 1991, INSUP FORMATION has been involved in European training projects. Among the most significant projects, a Youthstart project “Passerelles pour les Jeunes”, aimed at comparing methodological approaches to the integration of disadvantaged young people in 3 European countries.

Under Euroform, then Lingua and Leonardo, INSUP has been a regular promoter of mobility programmes as an intercultural training means for young people to gain better qualifications, broaden their perception of society and the world and contribute to European integration.

INSUP has developed an Open and Distance Learning department and provides its own designed training course. It has also a regional implication in the management of a network of 21 access points to distance learning all over Aquitaine financed by the Department of Labour and Employment.

INSUP has acquired a long experience with integration projects for migrants and people with difficult background and has been coordinating several prison education projects. INSUP will be the leading partner for WP 2 Evaluation of micro-projects.


Rue Labottiere 37

33.000 Bordeaux
